Thursday, July 11, 2019

Resepi Carrot cake


* 315g Minyak jagung
* 220g Gula castor / gula perang

* 4 biji telur grade A
* 1 tsp esen vanilla

BAHAN C (diayak bersama)
* 310 g Tepung gandum (tepung superfine / tepung gandum cap sauh / jenama Bakers Choice...)
* 1 3/4 tsp Baking powder (tiada sukatan 3/4..anda perlu menggunakan sukatan 1/4 sebanyak 3 kali)
* 1 3/4 tsp Baking soda
* 1/2 tsp serbuk kayu manis (pada yg kurang suka dengan bau serbuk kayu manis ni, boleh letak 1/4 tsp sahaja)
* 1/4 tsp garam


* 100g susu full cream + 2tsp cuka makan



* 450g Lobak (diparut dan diperah sedikit sahaja airnya) lebih kurang dlm 5-6 bj lobak - bergantung pada size lobak
* timbangan dilakukan SELEPAS diperah airnya
* 80g Walnut (dibakar/panggang dahulu dalam oven 10 min suhu 150c - baru dihiris/cincang)
* 1/2 cawan kismis hitam



* 300g Cream Cheese (suhu bilik, kalau suhu peti ais bila putar kurang cantik akan sedikit berketul)
* 40g Gula icing (ayak)
* 50g butter (suhu peti ais yer)
* 1 tsp orange oil

Friday, May 20, 2011

Noni & Forex - 20 May 2011

Waaaa......agak tensen...makin banyak study..aku rase makin pening..makin loss beb....bile nk kaye day i will be mak cik kayo jugak....
   Now...aku try focus E/U n E/J my friend alex said, manje kn dlu ngn cm gf/bf sdiri...kenal hati budi....belai betol2...byk2 aweks pon leh pening pale gk..xleh nk focus.dh ok..bleh paham jiwa masing2...then pastu kite cari lain plk...aku pon ske G/J gk...xpee..nanti tu soh en. nazri n en nasir ajo...bile lhh dpt pi kelas PC nih...huhuh...
   My analysis tonight.....
nampak cm leh naik lg kn...ermmm....
pon still leh pegi jauh lg...
tp....leh turun gk...koz pin dh kuar....
My analysis for E/U
i dont have any idea....huhuh....
So.....tgk cam ne result nye esok cm mane...

#####UPDATE....23 May 2011......

Salam....huhuhu....yehhh...E/U n E/J sell gile2.......

best kan ....

@@**Sharing Is Caring**@@
            -noni sayang-

Friday, March 18, 2011

Pray for japan ~ keinsafan bg ku

Dalam sekelib mata just 2 minit je dgn kuasa Allah....aku rase insaf, takot n kesihan dgn apa yg berlaku..dan trbayang klu benda ni trjadi kt Malaysia....Ya Allah lindungi lah Malaysia.....Ya Allah insaflah aku dgn apa yg telah berlaku.....

Video n gegambo kt bawohh yerrr

BEGINILAH keadaan di Arahama, di Bandaraya Sendai, Jepun yang dirakam satelit GeoEye
 sebelum (atas) dan selepas (bawah) kejadian gempa 8.9 magnitud yang mencetuskan tsunami ,
 Jumaat lalu. Bandar pesisir pantai itu kelihatan pasir bersih yang memutih  dengan deretan
bangunan dan kediaman tetapi selepas tsunami ia ibarat 'padang jarak padang tekukur'. - Foto AP

Tokyo Bergelap Gara-Gara Ancaman Radioaktif


Tokyo, merupakan bandar paling happening serta mempunyai penduduk seramai 13 juta kini tidak lagi seperti dulu gara-gara amaran radiasi radioaktif yang membuat penduduknya mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga dengan tinggal di rumah. Stesen janakuasa nuklear Fukushima yang terletak hanya kira-kira 200km daripada Tokyo mengalami ketidakstabilan angkara gempa bumi 9.0 richter, Jumaat lepas.

Dalam perkembangan terbaru, Jepun hanya mempunyai masa kira-kira 48 jam untuk mengawal krisis nuklearnya sebelum tragedi yang lebih buruk daripada insiden Chernobyl berlaku. Semalam, cubaan pihak keselamatan Jepun menghantar beberapa helikopter untuk menyejukkan reaktor dengan menjiruskan air, namun operasi tersebut dibatalkan ekoran radiasi tinggi yang mencecah 4,000 mikrosievert/jam.

INILAH loji reaktor nuklear Fukushima Daiichi No 1 yang berlaku letupan pada sebahagian atas bangunan berikutan gempa bumi kuat, Jumaat lalu. Gambar terbaru ini dikeluarkan Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) di loji nuklearnya di Fukushima, di utara Jepun, hari ini. Kebimbangan memuncak kemungkinan berlakunya kebocoran radiasi sehingga lebih 10,000 penduduk sekitar loji sudah dipindahkan setakat ini. - Foto Reuters/TEPCO

KEADAAN loji nuklear No 1 dan No 3 Daiichi Fukushima yang masih terbakar dan
mengeluarkan asap selepas meletup semalam. - Foto DIGITAL GLOBE/REUTERS

NEGATIF RADIASI... Kakitangan perubatan memeriksa tahap pendedahan radiasi pada warga
 tempatan yang tiba di pusat perlindungan awam bandar Hitachi, Ibaraki, hari ini selepas dibawa
 keluar dari lingkungan 20km dari loji nuklear Daiichi Fukushima. - Foto REUTERS/Asahi Shimbun

PASUKAN Pertahanan Jepun membuat persediaan bagi operasi
gempa bumi dan tsunami di Natori. - Foto Sairien Nafis

DUTA Jepun ke Malaysia, Masahiko Horie sebak pada sidang media di pejabatnya, semalam.~  gile sedihh....klu aku pon sedih gile bebb.....dpt rase kn kesidihan die org... :(

Monday, March 7, 2011

Noni.Sayang.Blog blogger....Gile lame aku nk tulis blog xjadi2....register blog dh byk kali dh...dr dulu kala lg..dr blog valentinegurl aku register n byk2 lg hampeh xtulis paper...then aku check blog tu still ade lg,tp cm xsesuai je ngn name blog cm budak2 je.... finally serabut je blog idea to design it....xpee slow...sloww...ayat aku pon cm xbeshhhhh....

SHARING IS CARING.....Iyer  ker?????? memeeelah(memanglah)....lets see da picture below...
caring kan..touchingnye....

caring kan,,,kan....kan..

sharing yg cm ni xbrape nk elok carry bknnye caring
so apa yang di post....yang boleh di sharing..... we sharing sharing together key....1 thing kite perlu igt  

@@** Sharing is Caring **@@
                 noni sayang

Friday, February 25, 2011

Moving Averages


Two major types of moving averages: 1. Simple
                                                   2. Exponential
Simple Moving Averages

The SMAs in this chart show you the overall sentiment of the market at this point in time. Here, we can see that the pair is trending.
Instead of just looking at the current price of the market, the moving averages give us a broader view, and we can now gauge the general direction of its future price. With the use of SMAs, we can tell whether a pair is trending up, trending down, or just ranging.
There is one problem with the simple moving average and it's that they are susceptible to spikes. When this happens, this can give us false signals. We might think that a new trend may be developing but in reality, nothing changed. Exponential moving average to avoid this problem.
Exponential moving average
Exponential moving averages (EMA) give more weight to the most recent periods. In our example above, the EMA would put more weight on the prices of the most recent days, which would be Days 3, 4, and 5.
This would mean that the spike on Day 2 would be of lesser value and wouldn't have as big an effect on the moving average as it would if we had calculated for a simple moving average.
If you think about it, this makes a lot of sense because what this does is it puts more emphasis on what traders are doing recently.
Let's take a look at the 4-hour chart of USD/JPY to highlight how an SMA and EMA would look side by side on a chart.

Notice how the red line (the 30 EMA) seems to be closer price than the blue line (the 30 SMA). This means that it more accurately represents recent price action. You can probably guess why this happens.
It's because the EMA places more emphasis on what has been happening lately. When trading, it is far more important to see what traders are doing NOW rather what they were doing last week or last month.
Below is a table to help you remember the pros and cons of each.
ProsDisplays a smooth chart which eliminates most fakeouts.Quick Moving and is good at showing recent price swings.
ConsSlow moving, which may cause a a lag in buying and selling signalsMore prone to cause fakeouts and give errant signals.
So which one is better?
It's really up to you to decide.
Many traders plot several different moving averages to give them both sides of the story. They might use a longer period simple moving average to find out what the overall trend is, and then use a shorter period exponential moving average to find a good time to enter a trade.
Using Moving Average
One sweet way to use moving averages is to help you determine the trend.
If price action tends to stay below the moving average, then it would indicate that it is in a downtrend.
The problem with this is that it's too simplistic. What some traders do - and what we suggest you do as well - is that they plot a couple of moving averages on their charts instead of just one. This gives them a clearer signal of whether the pair is trending up or down depending on the order of the moving averages. Let us explain.

In an uptrend, the "faster" moving average should be above the "slower" moving average and for a downtrend, vice versa. For example, let's say we have two MAs: the 10-period MA and the 20-period MA. On your chart, it would look like this:

Moving Averages Crossover Trading

You know how to determine the trend by plotting on some moving averages on your charts. You should also know that moving averages can help you determine when a trend is about to end and reverse.
Let's take another look at that daily chart of USD/JPY to help explain moving average crossover trading.

From around April to July, the pair was in a nice uptrend. It topped out at around 124.00, before slowly heading down. In the middle of July, we see that the 10 SMA crossed below the 20 SMA. One thing to take note of with a crossover system is that while they work beautifully in a volatile and/or trending environment, they don't work so well when price is ranging.

It looks like it held really well! Every time price approached 50 EMA and tested it, it acted as resistance and price bounced back down. One thing you should keep in mind is that these are just like your normal support and resistance lines.
This means that price won't always bounce perfectly from the moving average. Sometimes it will go past it a little bit before heading back in the direction of the trend.

From the chart above, you see that price went slightly past the 10 EMA a few pips, but proceeded to drop afterwards. There are some traders who use intraday strategies just like this. The idea is that just like your horizontal support and resistance areas, these moving averages should be treated like zones or areas of interest.
The area between moving averages could therefore be looked upon as a zone of support or resistance.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Japanese Candlesticks

Did you click here first? If you did, stop reading right now and go through the entire Japanese Candlesticks Lesson first!

If you're REALLY done with those, here's quick one page reference cheat sheet for single, dual, and triple candlestick formations to easily identify what kind of pattern you are looking at whenever you are trading.